UNAP – National Defence University

“Carol I” National Defence University is a public institution of military superior education, part of the national education system, certified by law, functioning on the basis of Romanian Constitution provisions, legislative framework adopted by the Parliament, education and scientific research minister and national defence ministers ordinances, and also on the basis of University charter.

Established on 8th of august, 1889, under the name of „Superior War School” through the Highly Royal Ordinance nr. 2072 of Carol I – The King, becoming, meanwhile, „Military Academy”, „General Military Academy”, „Academy of High Military Studies”, „National Defence Unviersity” has received its current name through Government decision nr. 969/25.08.2005. This year, the UNAP turns out 129 years of existence.

Over its log history, the university has prepared 120 promotions of students, the education has faced periods of reorganization for the courses, intensively, through the two world wars, participating to the process of ensuring, in an alert rhytm, of the necesary number of commanders and state officers on the war fields.

The graduates of UNAP have represented the main dynamic factor in the process of army modernization throughout the history.
